Subject Verb Agreement Exercises Worksheets

Subject-verb agreement is an essential component of English grammar. It refers to the agreement between the subject and the verb in a sentence, where the verb must match the number and person of the subject. For instance, if the subject is singular, the verb must be singular as well. This principle is often overlooked, leading to grammatical errors that can affect your credibility as a writer.

One of the most effective ways to improve your subject-verb agreement skills is by using exercises and worksheets. These are structured activities that provide you with ample practice and help you identify common mistakes. In this article, we will explore subject-verb agreement exercises worksheets and how they can help you improve your writing.

Benefits of Subject-Verb Agreement Exercises Worksheets

1. Improved Writing Skills

Subject-verb agreement exercises and worksheets provide you with ample practice to improve your writing skills. You can identify common mistakes that you often make and learn how to avoid them. With practice, you can improve your writing skills and ensure that your sentences are grammatically correct.

2. Clear Communication

A sentence with incorrect subject-verb agreement can be confusing and difficult to understand. By using subject-verb agreement exercises and worksheets, you can ensure that your communication is clear and precise. This will help you convey your message effectively to your audience.

3. Increased Confidence

The more you practice subject-verb agreement exercises and worksheets, the more confident you become in your writing skills. You will be able to write with ease, knowing that your sentences are grammatically correct. This will boost your confidence and help you produce high-quality content.

Examples of Subject-Verb Agreement Exercises Worksheets

1. Fill in the blank exercises

These exercises require you to fill in the correct verb form that agrees with the subject. For instance, you may be given a sentence such as “The cat _____ on the mat.” You need to provide the correct verb form that matches the subject, which in this case is “sits.” This exercise helps you identify the correct verb forms for different subjects.

2. Multiple-choice exercises

These exercises provide you with a sentence and multiple verb forms to choose from. You need to select the correct verb form that matches the subject. For example, you may be given a sentence such as “Either the cats or the dog _____ their food.” You need to select the correct verb form from the options provided, which in this case is “eats.”

3. Sentence correction exercises

These exercises require you to identify and correct subject-verb agreement errors in a sentence. For instance, you may be given a sentence such as “The group of students are playing soccer.” The correct sentence should be “The group of students is playing soccer.” This exercise helps you identify and correct common subject-verb agreement errors.


Subject-verb agreement is an essential component of English grammar. Using exercises and worksheets can help you identify common mistakes, improve your writing skills, and increase your confidence. By practicing subject-verb agreement exercises and worksheets regularly, you can improve your writing and ensure that your sentences are grammatically correct.